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Basic Classification of Abrasive Raw Materials

Abrasive raw materials play a dominant role in product performance in the production of grinding wheels. Rational use of abrasive raw materials and deep involvement in the field of abrasive raw materials, especially deep processing of abrasive raw materials, are the only way for mainstream grinding wheel manufacturers.

Abrasives and grinding tools are known as industrial teeth. Abrasive raw materials or grinding tools are often used as grinding tools to machine the parts to be processed during grinding to meet certain technical requirements.

Grinding materials are referred to as abrasive raw materials, that is, a grinding material with a certain hardness and a certain grinding ability that can be used for grinding.

Abrasive raw materials are divided into two categories: natural and artificial.

Natural Abrasive Raw Materials

Natural abrasive raw materials are abrasive raw materials made from natural mineral mining and processing.

The following types have been used for grinding processing


The chemical composition is mainly SiO2 with Mohs hardness 7. Flint is easy to break, has poor toughness, and has a low Mohs hardness. It is mainly used to make sheet sandpaper and is mainly used for polishing leather, felt, etc.

Quartz Sand

Similar to flint, it is one level higher in purity than flint. Its main chemical composition is SiO2 with Mohs hardness 7, and its physical and chemical properties are similar to flint. Quartz sand comes from quartz ore or is screened and processed from river sand. Its use is similar to flint. To date, some small sandpaper and sandpaper factories in China are still using quartz sand as raw material for production. The purpose is to produce sandpaper or sandpaper at a price lower than that produced by artificial abrasive raw materials, and sell it to rural areas and township enterprises for processing and use. The quality is low, but there is also a certain market.

Purple Iron Powder (Iron Oxide)

mostly used in natural and artificial. Because of its soft texture, it is mainly used for cleaning and polishing of workpieces. For example, the grinding or polishing of some optical glass is also processed with purple iron powder.


It is a natural mineral material. If this garnet is heat treated under high temperature conditions, the hardness and toughness of this material can be enhanced. Garnets are easy to break along the fracture surface of the crystal body of the material, which can make garnets have better cutting edges and improve grinding efficiency.


It is a mixture of corundum (Al2O3) and iron oxide in nature. This mineral raw material is abundant in many parts of the world. The texture and crystal position of the ore are different. The cutting performance of this mineral material is poor and it is generally only used for polishing. Now there are not many people using this natural mineral to make abrasives, which is a trend of elimination.


Natural diamond, also known as diamond drill, is the hardest substance in nature, with a Mohs hardness of 10. Natural diamond is produced in South Africa, Congo, and China. It is very expensive and is often used for hand ornaments and decorations. Since humans invented artificial diamonds, artificial diamonds have been used as abrasives in the manufacture of abrasives. Natural diamonds are only used in very few applications.

In short, the abrasive raw materials of natural ores are gradually replaced by artificial abrasive raw materials due to limited natural resources.

Artificial Abrasive Raw Materials

Artificial abrasive raw materials are abrasive raw materials that are artificially processed by adding relevant mineral materials and necessary materials. The application range of artificial abrasive raw materials is becoming more and more extensive, and its performance is becoming more and more superior to natural abrasive raw materials. With the continuous development and progress of artificial abrasive raw materials, grinding processing has also been rapidly developed and improved. Due to the continuous development and continuous improvement of grinding tools, the level of grinding processing has also been developed and improved. Of course, on the other hand, today's grinding processing has taken the path of high efficiency, high speed, and the quality requirements of processed parts are constantly improving, which requires abrasives and grinding tools to adapt to this development requirement and improve their own varieties, quality, production and processing level, and scientific research level. All aspects of work complement each other, rely on each other, promote each other, and improve each other.

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